Tiziano Palumbo (3D Artist)
Tiziano Palumbo is a 3D sculptor, 3D modeler and texture artist graduated at “Istututo Europeo di Design” (IED) in Rome. He works in a studio of VFX for cinema and tv series. He loves cinema and videogames and he is striving to become a Character Artist...
Jacopo Murru (3D Artist)
Jacopo Murru is a 3D artist graduated in CG animation and specialized in Level Design at “Istituto Europeo di Design” (IED) in Rome. After the high school, then he decided to deepen his knowledge of the 3D world thanks to his strong interest in videogames. He...
Gabriele Leone (3D Artist)
Gabriele Leone is a 3D artist graduated at “Istituto Europeo di Design” (IED) in Rome. Due to his passion for cinema and videogames, after his graduation he joined an indie videogame company as 3D artist, where he actually works. In early 2019, he took part at...
Alysia Fentini (3D Artist)
Alysia Fentini is a 3D artist graduated at “Istituto Europeo di Design” (IED) in Rome in CG Animation as 3D modeler and sculptor. She loves videogames and She is a self-taught in digital painting. Alysia desires to be a Character modeler in the cinema and videogames...
Francesco Cavallo (3D Artist)
Francesco Cavallo is a 3D artist graduated in Design at"La Sapienza" University of Rome. Since his teens he loved drawing, sketching, cutting and gluing pieces together, experimenting and crafting prototypes and mechanisms. Due to his creativity, Francesco likes to project his 3D model from the...
Pietro Bellucci (3D Artist)
Pietro Bellucci is a self-taught digital sculptor and two years ago he started to work as freelance 3D modeler for indie videogames. He took part in "War For Delthia, Chapter 1" and this experience was an opportunity that allowed him a professional skills upgrade facing other...
Simone Ametta (3D Artist)
Simone Ametta is a freelance artist and he works as 3D modeler and 3D sculptor. He is graduated at “Istituto Europeo di Design” (IED) in Rome, where he also studied Digital Illustration at “Scuola Internazionale Comics”. Due to his interest in role games and videogame, he's actually...
Laura Panìco (Illustrator)
Born in Battipaglia (Salerno - Italy) in October 1987, she has been interested in drawing since childhood thanks to an artistically well-disposed family environment. She graduated as a master of arts at the Liceo Artistico Carlo Levi (Eboli), she graduated in first degree in...
Andrea Negroponte (Illustrator)
Andrea Negroponte started to work as graphic designer and then he became a freelance Illustrator and concept artist. He reached the Art Direction master's degree at “Idea academy”. Andrea worked with Cristian Taraborrelli to realize the storyboard of theatrical works and the restyling of "Italia in miniatura". He...